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Physical Therapy Decatur GA

(404) 558-4015

Physical Therapy Decatur GA​

Patient Reviews - Of Backstrong Non-Surgical Rehab Clinic - Physical Therapy Decatur

I first went to see an orthopedic doctor several months ago for severe pain in my left knee. Xrays of my knee showed nothing that would be causing the pain. The doctor told me that the pain in my knee was most likely referral pain from my lower back. That made sense to me because I have had lower back and left hip pain on and off for several years. The doctor prescribed pain and anti inflammatory medicine. He also prescribed four weeks of physical therapy. None of these helped. I than had an MRI taken of my lower back because I was still having pain in my knee. Pain level was at an 8 level. After reviewing the MRI of my lower back the doctor suggested shots to my lower back. I did not like that option. I researched online and found Backstrong. What a blessing this has turned out to be. Dr Craig is not only very knowledgeable about problems of the spine but he cares about his clients. After five non surgical decompression treatments I am free of the pain in my knee. Thank You Dr Craig.

Bonnie Nehring

I arrived at Backstrong Non - Surgical Rehab Clinic as the result of a low back, lumbar more right side pain and cervical discomfort. I had no idea how that experience would absolutely change my life. Dr. Craig not only worked to help me heal physically, but more importantly, allowed me an ability to relax, and come into a place of balance which facilitated my body’s ability to heal itself. After one adjustment, I felt a lot better. After five treatments for my lumbar part of spine and only two treatments for neck, my pain was totally gone! I highly recommend starting and finishing treatments with Dr. Craig. Dr Craig is so caring and he will teach you to take care of your body! In Gratitude!!!

Vesna Vujinovic

Why Choose Dr. Craig Castanet ?

Dr. Craig Castanet Shares His Experience

How To Get To Our Office?

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect at my first physical therapy appointment in Decatur GA?

Initially, we’ll conduct a history and physical examination and review and records and diagnostic imaging you may bring with you. Most patients already know what their problem is, including their diagnosis, but I review all of this and make sure you have a real understanding of your problem. I find many patients need a refresher of what is wrong. Sometimes they do not really understand their problem, and many doctors are woefully poor at explaining the problem, or just didn’t spend enough time explaining and using spinal models, or showing patients the MRI or X-ray results. Then I will explain how and why the treatment should help, and then we’ll do the first treatment. 70-80% of patients get some relief from the first treatment. Rarely, one treatment is all they need. The first appointment is usually about one hour long.

What should I bring to my first physical therapy appointment?

Bring yourself, anyone else you wish to bring, and whatever records and diagnostic imaging you have.  The first visit will take about one hour for most problems.  This depends on the complexity of your problem and what we are treating.  If you have any medical records from elsewhere, bring those.  The more records, the better.  If you don’t have records, but there are relevant records which Dr. Castanet can retrieve, please bring that information.  It is commonplace for Dr. Castanet to have to retrieve medical records and imaging for elsewhere.  That is not usually a difficult problem so long as you can remember where you have been treated.  That does not mean that you cannot be treated until after all the records have been obtained.  Most of the time it is safe to initiate treatment before other medical records have been received and reviewed.  The safety of initiating treatment is usually based upon this first history and examination of the patient.  Rarely, treatment should not be started until after all previous medical records have been reviewed.  Sometimes new imaging must be ordered, but most patients have had recent enough diagnostic imaging for the purposes of starting treatment.

What should I wear to my physical therapy appointment?

You can wear whatever you like.  The evaluation and treatment will not typically involve and disrobing.  Occasionally, a woman may be wearing a short skirt, but we will provide a gown to place over the skirt for privacy sake.  We treat patients in all manor of garb and dress without any problems.  Please do try to come with reasonably clean clothing because you will likely receive treatment on a table that must be kept clean.  But we have treated many patients who are coming from work in their usual attire, and this may be formal, casual, or even physically demanding work such as construction, tree felling, and more.

Do I need a prescription to attend physical therapy In Decatur GA?

No. Dr. Castanet does not need a prescription from any other doctor in order to see you, but if you have a prescription, you are welcome to bring it.  As a chiropractor, Dr. Castanet is licensed to see patients directly, without referral.  For the first 18 years of his career he worked with other medical physicians in orthopedics, physical medicine and physical therapy.  For the last 17 years he has been independent, and sees all patients, personally.  In fact, he is probably the most accessible doctor you have ever had.  He enjoys the challenge of lengthy, direct patient questioning that is so often limited in the patient/doctor relationship.  

How often do I need to attend physical therapy?

This varies considerably. There is no cookie-cutter approach to treatment. Patients and their problems differ. Rarely, someone in incapacitating pain may come daily for two weeks, but that is very unusual. Most people in significant pain will come 2-3 times the first week or two, and then reduce the frequency as soon as they are improving. The idea is get treatment that initiates improvement as soon as possible, and continue the momentum with the least frequency and number of sessions possible. And that depends entirely upon your rate of improvement.  The good news is that this treatment is so effective, relative to other physical therapy treatments, that 80% of patients will experience some improvement with the first treatment, and the sooner you improve, the more likely you will improve faster, requiring less frequent, and a fewer number of total treatments.

How long does a typical physical therapy session last in Decatur, Georgia?

Most treatment sessions are about 40 minutes long.  But the first treatment includes a history and examination of your problem(s).  So the first visit will probably last about one hour.  For auto accident patients the treatment time is usually longer because they typically have several problems that need to be addressed.  But for most patients with a single problem, e.g. a herniated disc or sciatica, or hip or shoulder pain, the treatment time will be about 40 minutes.  And the wait time is typically none, because you will be scheduled and treated in a very efficient manner.

What is the average number of visits for physical therapy In Decatur GA?

This varies with each patient. Rarely one visit resolves a problem. Also, rarely, 20 treatments are required. More typical ranges are six to twelve treatments.  Whatever the number of treatments, they are likely fewer in number for your problem, than they would be elsewhere, using other treatments, because spinal decompression treatment is so much more effective for most neck and back related problems than other treatments.  In the course of the last 17 years of my practice, since I started to use my method of spinal decompression treatment, and comparing it to the conventional treatment methods I used in the orthopedic clinic, this treatment often turns difficult problems into an easy problem to resovle.  It still sometimes astounds me how effective this treatment is, and how few treatments may be required to resolve a problem.

How much money do you spend on physical therapy?

Fifty dollars per session.  Where else can you even get a straight anwer to this question?  Nowhere.  Patients are so accustomed to the obfuscation of insurance and medical business practices, that they don’t expect to be told what anything will cost for any given treatment.  I’m a patient too, so I know all about the futility of knowing anything about the surprise invoice and explanation of benefits I will receive for any treatment.  And the bureaucracy of the whole medical/industrial complex is designed to confuse and render you hopeless to understand the charges before you get surprised.  For more information contact with us.

Dr. Craig Castanet – Related Training and Expertise

Physical Therapy In Decatur GA
Physical Therapy In Decatur GA

What Types of Conditions Are Treated by Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy is an extremely broad field, and most physical therapists choose some specialties. Physical therapy patients include neck, back, shoulder, knee, post-operative, gait, post-stroke, pelvic pain, and much more.  I have had the privilige to work with many physical therapists over the years, and each of them had particular interests that they pursued to improve their patient care.  There is essentially no part of the human anatomy and physiology that is not addressed, when pathological, by some specialty of physical therapy.  For this, we all have to give kudos to this profession and the medical profession which works hand-in-glove with physical therapists.

Why Is Physical Therapy Important?

The benefits of physical therapy, when indicated, are numerous. These include reducing or resolving your pain, improving your function back to normal, teaching you about your problem, teaching you how to do your normal activities so that you don’t exacerbate your symptoms, and teaching you what exercises you can do at home to improve and manage your problem.  Make sure that you communicate well about every conceivable relevant issue with your physical therapist.  Many times a serendipitous question or comment gave me a new insight that was important to improving patient care with a particular patient.  One example, is when patients tell me that they have been using a heating pad every night for a chronic pain.  Most of the time a physical therapist or doctor will not think to ask you that directly, but it can turn a mild problem into a severe and chronic one.  In fact, this question about heat application is one I put to every patient who has, what in my judgement, is disproportionate pain to the objective pathology.

How Does Physical Therapy Work?

An important component of physical therapy is teaching you how to manage your problem, and how to be independent of providers, and self-sufficient in your pain management after physical therapy.  Of course, the first thing to do is to share an understanding of your problem, how it will be treated, the rationale for such treatment, the expectations for your treatment, what defines successful treatment for your problem, what, if anything, you may need to continue to do for yourself after you are released from treatment, and if treatment does not sufficiently resolve your problem, what is next to do, diagnostically, or treatment-wise.  

How physical therapy works is to use a combination of passive and active treatments to encourage tissue healing and recovery of your normal function.  That is accomplished through a combination of treatments, education, exercises, ergonomic discussion, and home exercise instruction.

* As a disclaimer, Dr. Castanet is not a physical therapist, but for neck and back problems, he offers many of the same treatments, and superior spinal decompression treatment for back and neck pain, herniated and degenerated discs, sciatica, hip and shoulder pain, and more.  If you will be better served by a physical therapist, he will encourage you to see one.  But for neck and back problems, he provides faster, more effetive treatment, in his clinical opinion.  The purpose of this web page is. not to mislead patients, but to provide patients with a faster, and more effective treatment alternative for their neck and back problems.  

Contact Us Today

Backstrong Non-Surgical Rehab Clinic
2771 Lawrenceville Hwy #101,
Decatur, GA 30033

Phone: +1 404-558-4015
[email protected]

Monday  8 AM–6 PM

Tuesday  8 AM–6 PM

Wednesday  8 AM–6 PM

Thursday 8 AM–6 PM

Friday  8 AM–6 PM

Saturday Closed

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